My hair is baby-fine, even though there is a lot of it. In the winter it dries out and in the humidity it practically flies off my head. For years I abused and misused my poor follicles by lightening then darkening it, perming it, and straightening it until it was a frizzed-out, dried-up mess. I couldn't grow my hair past my shoulders because it became scraggly and thin. Several things happened simultaneoustly to begin my path to hair heaven.
First, I was diagnosed with eczema and contact dermatitis. These were scary words, but after much research I learned that managing it was very simple. All I had to do was change the products I was using. Very soon after my diagnosis my cousin introduced me to a line of products that began my path to a more--ahem--GRANOLA lifestyle.
Next, I met my husband. Keep in mind that I kept short hair because the overall health of my hair was less than optimal. Bless his heart, he's a traditional sort of guy (much like my own father) who wanted me to have long hair. I quite begrudgingly agreed to grow out my hair with the condition that I would cut it if I felt like it was not looking healthy. I didn't want to be the sad old woman trying to reclaim her youth by growing long, shabby, scraggly, thin hair.
That's when I met my sister-in-law. For the last three-plus years she has helped me keep my hair trimmed and styled in a way that allows me to satisfy my husband's desire for long hair and keep it looking healthy and stylish.
While I do continue to color my hair to hide the grey (which has been firmly in place since I was 25!), using Yes To Cucumbers for Color-Treated hair and keeping my hair regularly trimmed has kept it long and lush.
I cannot tell you how much it means to me to have found a combination of care to keep my hair healthy when I struggled for years to keep it free of frizz and split-ends.
March 7, 2010
My sweet Hallie-girl |
My husband decided that we didn't need to "spend so much" on our haircare products, so he showed up with Suave. I have absolutely nothing against Suave, but I know that at least Hallie and I need special care. Being the good wife that I am, I didn't argue. I simply put it in the shower and used it for the next two weeks. As I suspected, Hallie's head broke out in the telltale rash and flaked all over the place. I replaced the Suave with YTC and within three days the rash was gone and the flakes had nearly disappeared.
I'm not the "I-told-you-so" type, but suffice it to say, my husband doesn't argue when I bring home those pretty orange bottles.
June 11, 2009
My family tree is full of proud Scottish warriors with hearty souls and bad skin. I'm cursed with oily, red skin and prominent pores. I come by it honestly by way of every Andrews in my bloodline. My sensitivity to everything is the cherry on top. I have tried numerous products to correct my skin to no avail. Then I learned something:
I can't change my skin, but I can change the way I treat it. Instead of using harsh chemicals--both over-the-counter as well as prescription--I have chosen to take a different path with my skin and hair care.
I choose to feed my family organic foods; I choose to grow my own vegetables; I choose to use only natural cleaning products; I choose Yes To Carrots. And that has made all the difference in the world for us.
For mor information on Yes To Carrots and all of the other wonderful products Yes To makes, please check out their website.
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